Next week will have lots of political excitement going on, I’m sure. Despite that, hopefully you’re having an OK week

  •  Alice   ( ) 
    82 months ago

    Meetup group I’ve been looking forward to joining turned out to be right-wingers. Not the worst experience this week but my gay ass trying to make friends while everyone laughs about leftists having no friends was uncomfortable.

    Wore a mask at the request of an immunocompromised coworker and a customer immediately started making fun of me.

    Trying to take the advice of an ex-friend and stop giving a shit what anyone thinks of me but it sucks that my entire country mocks me 24/7.

    • Not us on the Fediverse:-).

      Just everyone else it seems:-(.

      Oddly enough the Christian Bible commands a welcoming attitude from its followers - “love one another”, “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you”, and like even if for certain you were the one wrong (rather than them), “Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters.” They are perverting their own supposed beliefs.

      Regardless, remain true to yours, whatever they may be:-).