
Another memo about my failure as an adult. At the warehouse I’m working lots of the package and merch are hearts, plushies, and similar heart shaped stuff, plus some Xmas decorations for some fucking reason…

Is there any way to escape it? I guess not. I probably wouldn’t think too much about it if I was younger but since last week was my bday ready to remind me that I’m getting old… This back to back just crushes me.

  •  Alice   ( ) 
    42 months ago

    I understand. It’s true that you can’t pin all your happiness onto a hypothetical person, or even a real one, but it’s also hard to be happy when you’re lonely. Sometimes I do the things that used to make me happy and just wish I had a friend to do them with.

    I guess that doesn’t help much, I just want you to know someone gets it. And Valentine’s Day doesn’t help because marketing is inescapable, and marketers want you to have a partner to buy their cheap heart-shaped shit for, so the result is that it makes lonely people like us hyper aware of our loneliness.

    I do hope you find happiness and fulfillment, in whatever form it takes, not just the one that’s expected of us.