• Honestly, the suffering was going to happen either way. We’ve been spewing carbon into the atmosphere for, what, five decades now? We were already further along on the worst case scenario than most models accounted for and it’s been continuing to accelerate. I don’t mean to sound defeatist but like, the Titanic has been sinking for a long time, all this one election decided is how much time we have to get to the lifeboats and wait for the ocean to swallow us.

      I was already not planning on having kids or retirement in 2015, that sure hasn’t changed with everything that’s happened since. I feel for everyone who will be affected by climate catastrophe (i.e. everyone) but like, we have been sowing for that harvest since before I was born.

    • That’s a terrible summary of my statement. I didn’t say I agree, I said it has happened, the course is set. This one election in one country isn’t the root cause, even if they are accelerationists. The world is a cruel place, always has been. I’m done spending my energy worrying about it, I’m resigned to humanity’s well-earned fate.