• Why? Full RayTracing with highest quality settings on some games is even for a 5090 too much. So it makes sense to play them at lower resolution (in example with upscaling, but its still lower res). Especially if you aim for very high FPS. Maybe for some games you aim to play at 240 fps, in which case 1440p or even 1080p is the only option, not 4k. Depending on the games.

    And if you are not even considering to play at lower res, you might be interested in how it compares to other cards you already own and play at 1080p. Just to get an idea of how much it improves. Its not a wrong market, you just don’t see his or her use case.

    • because actual FPS becomes volitile regardless of GPU because at 1080p, many games become CPU bottlenecked, so it becomes less of a question of the GPU being able to do something, but if your CPU is fast enough to maintain it. the benchmark then becomes very muddy because it may not be representative of what to actually expect.

      The previous generations 4090 was already very cpu bottlenecked often at 1080p alone.

        • of course its not all games, but it becomes significantly more messy for the reviewer to test it becuase you start getting anomolous data based on a decision made in advance.

          also its a phoronix review, and last I recall, raytracing is spotty on linux and dependant if it uses wine or not. in the case for liek cyberpunk it does, but if a game doesnt natively have raytracing, its uses are more mixed