please post any subsequent updates here unless they’re huge happenings. i just woke up and half our news front page is updates which is nice but also A Lot and most of these don’t have to be their own thread

  •  runekn   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    I wonder how many russians are actually happy with this outcome. Kremlin loyalist must be depressed, since their leader basically turned into a puppet. And the extreme wagner supporters wanted it to go all the way. So both sides hardcode supporters are now depressed. Some wagner members probably just wanted putin to concede even after his speech so they may be happy. Civilians that support none may be happy that their society didn’t collapse and cities turned to war zones.

    Ukrainians are disappointed that the distraction didn’t last a little longer, but none the less content with a weakened Russia.

    •  interolivary   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      “Opportunity to return to Africa.”

      Yeah, I suppose massacring badly equipped CAR “rebels” (while also guarding their diamond mines) and civilians is a lot more fun than having to fight someone being equipped by the military-industrial complex of the combined West.

      Edit: oh and related to how many Russians are happy with this, this Mastodon post had some numbers from a Russian political blogger:

      A popular Russian political blogger Tatiana Stanovaya ran a poll on her Telegram earlier today, asking: “how do you feel about the current situation”


      • 12% supporting Prigozhin
      • 48% “let them fight, there are no heroes here”
      • 29% “this is a catastrophe, I’m scared”
      • 8% against the coup
      • 3% “give power to the people”

      The numbers will be skewed due to the audience, but still interesting>