Do you reread books or are you done with them once you’ve read them?

I like to reread books sometimes! Rereading is especially good if I’ve just finished something heavy or intense; I can follow that up with something that I’ve enjoyed before so it doesn’t take too much effort and I can have a bit of a break. I also don’t have the greatest retention for what I read, so even if I’ve read something before there’s no way I’ll remember everything. And there are certain books that are comforting and cozy and those are great to reread when I want that kind of mood.

  • I find myself going on jags of rereading. I always have something new that I’m reading with some others in the wings, but sometimes I get an itch to reread books. Usually I’ll pick up an old Vonnegut novel, for example, and realize how much I’ve missed his style and message. That leads me to binge several more of an authors books.