Lemmy doesn’t like it when apologies :[

  • politics complaint aside, your observation about people using this to complain about a neopronoun seems apt. none of the content of complaints about drag’s use of neopronouns actually seem relevant to drag’s use of neopronouns. someone trolling with neopronouns is trivially handled by just accepting the neopronouns…

    • someone trolling with neopronouns is trivially handled by just accepting the neopronouns

      Absolutely, and I can’t stop thinking about that.

      For the sake of argument, let’s take at face value the claims that drag is just some anti-trans troll that is doing the attack helicopter bit. That drag is secretly some 4channer cis dude in mom’s basement wanting to stir up some drama on Lemmy to expose hyporcrisy.

      Then this troll has done an absolutely stellar job forcing everyone to show their true colors on this topic.

      Drag has proven, unquestionably and beyond a shade of doubt, that Lemmy is not safe for non-binary people, not even on Blahaj. And that is despite the admin’s (in my eyes) best efforts to handle the situation.

      Then, of course, there is the tiny little detail that this is a wildly bad faith assumption that requires going through a few hoops. Most of the assumption hinges on neopronouns being quirky and uncommon. And if the assumption happens to be wrong, then all this dogpiling has achieved is to wreak havoc on a vulnerable person’s mental health, and possibly even cause some trauma down the line.

      I don’t care if dragonfucker needs to apologize about wronging someone else; at this point a few users absolutely need to apologize to drag as well.

          • That’s really weird. The trans community on Lemmy doesn’t think neopronouns are trolling. You can see so at that link. It’s only you and other cis people who think so. How come you think you know better than trans people about trans issues. Isn’t that arrogant?

            • Funny, I didn’t say anything about you being trans, or anything about trans issues. Yet you claim I think I know better than trans people about trans issues. My problem with you is the constant shit-stirring, using alts to back you up, and flooding someone’s DMs with porn and making communities to harass them. That’s asshole, trollish behaviour regardless of gender.

              • using alts to back you up, and flooding someone’s DMs with porn and making communities to harass them

                None of that is true

                constant shit-stirring

                70% of the arguments drag has are people choosing to get mad about pronouns. 25% are rehashing previous drama. 5% are actual genuine conflicts. So drag assumed you were 70% transphobic and 5% genuine, just like the drama you point to.