• If 99% of what you do is in front of a computer and the other 1% is in meetings there’s no reason there shouldn’t be remote work.

    I moved fully remote a year ago for several reasons, and as much as I miss the office camaraderie, my wallet, belt line and mental health all appreciate it a lot.

    • I gained weight working from home :(

      Even a boring day at the office with little “extra” walking had me close to 10k steps.

      I can go for a 2 mile walk everyday I work from home and barely get 8k it seems.

      Plus ironically I eat more garbage. When I was at the office there were decent healthy options like salads and stuff. At home…it’s way to easy to grab a box of wheat thins and eat the whole thing.

      • I started intermittent fasting at home and it helped a lot. For me IF cuts down on a lot of snacking just from the nature of usually being more full between those hours and being strict outside of them.

        At the office we used to go for lunch all the time and the two restaurants in walking distance are a pub and an Italian place. If there were a more healthy option maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.

    • I agree. I also agree with the person who replied to you that said for some working onsite is still the best option. I think that both options have benefits and detriments. Mainly depending on what type of responsibilities you have at home. If I lived alone I might want to go on site just so I wasn’t alone for a majority of my life. As it stands I have a wife and two kids and a kitty, so being home to help out (and avoid the 1000$ a month daycare bill) has been a great benefit to my mental health

      • Yep, and while working from home should never be in lieu of actual child care, cutting out 2-3 hours of commute time in each side and being able to help at lunch is HUGE.

        Even if you still put your kids in daycare, you would still spend more time with them and it’d be less stressful if you were working from home. You can get a daycare close to your house vs on the way to work/near work.