• Organic farming is 25% less efficent then conventional farming. We have enough for everybody in the world today, have a lot of food waste and grow a lot of feed stock for animals to eat later. There is no reason we can not go fully organic, while feeding the world. Obviously permaculture is more radical then farming, but it includes some gardening systems. Gardening is massivly more productive then farming. The fact of the matter is that we have more knowledge then ever before, being able to use systems developed in other parts of the world for local use, while also having more different crop varaities available to us. This increases yields by a lot. The issue with providing enough food to everybody is a political one.

    • My issue with organic gardening is that it identifies the issue; conventional agriculture uses pesticides to the detriment of the environment, but then borks it at the last second by subscribing to an appeal to nature fallacy where synthetic chemical pesticides are inherently bad, while naturally derived pesticides are inherently good.

      This leads to the nonsense which is large scale organic farms using just as much if not greater quantities of pesticides in the same monoculture systems instead of designing farms in such a way that less pesticide use is necessary. At the end of the day they still get to slap an organic label on their produce and benefit from the green-washing.