What makes this worse is the obvious disrespect from Cowbee of my request to disengage. I made it very clear I didn’t want to argue. These communities have absolutely no standards of behaviour for members of the in-group. Which is exactly why I don’t engage with them in these communities.

Well, also the fact that I hate being constantly called a liberal for not repeating Capitalist Putin’s latest botfarm talking point. Talking to these people is an exercise in keeping my calm while I am constantly insulted. No thank you.

  • Yep, this is correct. I couldn’t just leave the implication that I’m a Trump supporter uncontested, that was slander, they nullified the disengage rule by doing so. I’m fine with not continuing a conversation people don’t wish to continue, but not with people trying to use the disengage rule to hide behind personal insults towards me.

      • I didn’t call you a liberal here, and moreover I only implied your hostility to Leftists critical of the DNC after you called me a Trump supporter. My initial comment just asked why you think the Dems would start meaningfully opposing Trump after the midterms when they aren’t already, which is a reasonable and non-inflammatory question.

          • I don’t know who you are, moreover this now seems like a personal vendetta with me you want to air out. If you want to have an actual discussion with me and see if we can find common ground as fellow leftists I am more than willing to, but that’s hard to do if you call me a troll, Trump supporter, sealion, etc just for trying to engage in a conversation in the first place.