Howard says Bethesda Game Studios is looking to keep expanding its support for the modding community with the upcoming space-faring RPG.

  • They will probably just try to pay modders more for their mods on the official store than what Nexus is paying them, by charging users a microtransaction to download each mod. Modders probably will make so much more money for their mods, that they won’t want to upload to Nexus or anywhere else. Also, there’s no way that Bethesda is going to allow nsfw mods on their official store, so I guess we’ll see what happens.

    • I’m hopeful that the approach will be closer to how Minecraft works, now that they’re under the same umbrella. But it seems more likely they’ll just monetize things heavily and push creators to monetize. (e.g., mods over a certain size require a minimum payment amount to ‘recoup bandwidth costs’)