• optimism and hope are necessary in all scenarios, i dont know who rr is beyond this article but these are mostly fair things to be optimistic about. by optimism i do mean things that imply it’s not necessarily the worst case scenario, that this is perhaps a 2 and change regime and not a 70+ year regime, and that some responses to the horrors are working. Even more someof these things imply a civil war is not as likely as it might be, which is a massive win unless you are a bloodthirsty fool. Could you be more specific with your problems here?

    • Trump is really ramping up the rhetoric on a Canadian/American war. I think such a thing makes an immediate civil war very likely.

      I still think he doesn’t intend a Canadian/American war. I think the dual purposes are manipulating markets as part of pumping and dumping stocks for the oligarchs, and promoting instability in the West for Putin. But a Canadian/American war would be a ton of instability in the West, so maybe