Do you reread books or are you done with them once you’ve read them?

I like to reread books sometimes! Rereading is especially good if I’ve just finished something heavy or intense; I can follow that up with something that I’ve enjoyed before so it doesn’t take too much effort and I can have a bit of a break. I also don’t have the greatest retention for what I read, so even if I’ve read something before there’s no way I’ll remember everything. And there are certain books that are comforting and cozy and those are great to reread when I want that kind of mood.

  • I think maybe part of why rereading is rarer than rewatching shows or movies is because it’s more of a time investment. Rewatching a movie takes a couple of hours, but rereading a book takes much longer. Rewatching a show takes a big time investment, but not many people I know actually watch, or rewatch, a show as a singular activity in the first place- usually they’re working on something or scrolling on their phone or whatnot while they “watch” tv.