• Sheesh, everyone acts like this will be the end of life for the billionaires.

    Nah, they won’t notice a thing. They will just fly their local helicopter from their yacht over to the local airport.

    Or, they will dock off-shore, and just take one of the MANY boats inside of their yacht to shore. Seriously- lots of the mega yachts have a internal boat dry dock.

    Those mega yachts are no joke. I’d recommend watching a few youtube videos giving tours of them… it’s pretty insane.

    • They’ll probably just anchor off the Amalfi coast just south of Naples where it’s yacht-central. Seriously, it’s straight out of a James Bond movie or something. The amount of rich people hanging out on boats just offshore and in little secluded private beaches is overwhelming. I bused through it once years ago (didn’t stay there: too rich for me) and was just amazed at the scenery and wealth on display. Gorgeous place. Poor people not welcome.