For instance, Assassin’s Creed Origins had subtitles turned off by default and 60% of players turned them on.

    • I try to, then someone says some shit that I couldn’t understand and I get pissed off and angrily turn them on. I’ve been making a point (in games and in TV/movies) to try to keep my eyes on the top half of the screen while people talk, only glancing down at the words if someone says something I didn’t catch.

      It’s a hard habit to break.

      • That’s a completely fair point and I’ve def run into that problem too before. It would be cool if games had a feature to rewind cut scenes as you’re watching them in case something is missed. I think cutscenes in general could really use a overhaul in the gaming world for simple features such as this. Have to say, the active time lore feature in final fantasy 16 is an insanely cool feature the game brings to cutscenes.