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1652 contributors, who authored 30371 commits since the previous release.

NixOS is already known as the most up to date distribution while also being the distribution with the most packages.

This release saw 16678 new packages and 14680 updated packages in nixpkgs. We also removed 2812 packages in an effort to keep the package set maintainable and secure. In addition to packages the NixOS distribution also features modules and tests that make it what it is. This release brought 91 new modules and removed 20. In that process we added 1322 options and removed 487.

  • I read the article, flakes sound like an interesting solution that could make it a lot easier to contribute to open source projects (which reportedly often causes an increase in contributions).

    With that said, nix-channel still seems like a simpler (by simpler i mean easier to learn and use) at least for simple use case of replacing flatpak , I still don’t know how to replace nix-channel with it, I am not really trying hard but the bottom line it is hard to compete with the ease of use/learning of just doing:

    nix-channel --add some_channel nix-channel --update