• Not a huge deal. Trump and Nauta get the list anyway. Filing it under seal just hides it from the public and press, and this denial was essentially that the prosecution didn’t even make an argument as to why it should be sealed. The court wants a reason, not “just because.”

    •  Snapz   ( @Snapz@beehaw.org ) 
      101 year ago

      Seems you’re trying to cosign garbage.

      If witnesses are tampered with and trump/nauta were given the list exclusively outside of prosecution, it narrows the view of what likely happened.

      If the list is wide public, the leonard leos and roger stones of the world can go attempt to tamper with these people on trump’s behalf.

      You’re trying to say the wrong thing with confidence and hoping nobody calls you on it.

      • If they want it sealed for that reason, they need to ask for it to be sealed for that reason. Courts shouldn’t generally be accepting things without some reasoning, or taking into account arguments one side didn’t make when deciding on things like this. That’s part of why what this judge did before for Trump was such an egregious abuse of discretion.

        And look, if I’m wrong about something I’m wrong about something. Wouldn’t be the first time, won’t be the last time. The implications about motivations aren’t really called for.