Cyberpunk 2077 faced a tough reception at launch, but with the Phantom Liberty DLC nearing launch, one CDPR dev feels the RPG was better than history records.

…uh, no. It was a hot mess at launch.

  • Have people forgotten all the straight up lies, broken promises and features?

    The police would spawn inside locked elevators with you!
    NPCs disappeared if you turned around!

    I’m glad some of you had fun with the story but the game was still a damn mess.

    • I’m glad some of you had fun with the story

      Not to mention the story was still very much on rails. Even if there were like what, 3 different outcomes? And on top of that, once you beat the game there is absolutely fuck all to do.

      Honestly. I put about 50-60 hours into cyberpunk. I enjoyed every single hour of it. But once the main campaign was complete, there was just nothing left to do. I tried many times to jump back in and go do side quests or explore but the world is just completely empty.

      • My feelings exactly.

        I played for 60 hours or so, and I enjoyed it a lot. But they put a fatal design flaw into the game by forcing to you be V, and by putting a ticking time bomb in your head. That means that if you play logically, you’ll follow the storyline quests in order to fix the big issue rather than spending the time slowly exploring the world they made. It also means that once you beat it, there’s no fun in going back and doing it again, because you have to follow the same railroad tracks and go through the same story beats again. It cheapens the experience greatly.

        Like you, the world holds no interest for me now that I have found a satisfying ending for V. The least they could have done was put in a “story mode,” and a separate “open mode” where you can build any character (who isn’t V) and live any life you choose, free from the main quest railroad.

        I’ll never understand why game designers would make an open world, and then slap on a "YOU HAVE TO SAVE YOUR LIFE HURRY UP!!! railroad quest as the main story. It’s a lazy and utterly stupid design choice.

    • I’m torn because Skyrim was also a buggy mess. But it’s my most played comfort game. The first few games, I couldn’t finish the main quest. And it was soooo much worse than I ever experienced with cyberpunk. Both games I played within the first week of release.

      One game, the dragon refused to be caught in Whiterun.

      Another game, I caught him and he promised to let me ride him, but the guards never released him.

      Another game, half the floor was missing from the floor of the greybeards manor. They were inside but there was a giant gap I couldn’t cross over.

      For the dark brotherhood, I couldn’t complete that quest the first time when you hunt down Cicero because the room he was in also had no floor except for his area.

      So many quests just wouldn’t progress to the point I had the wiki open so I could use console commands to move quests forward.

      I once got locked in during the werewolf quest when my companion was supposed to open the gate for me. He just stood there.

      One quest where I fought three ghosts for the boss had a locked door behind me. I could never get that door to unlock with the fight. Sometimes I beat them all. Sometimes I could kill 2 and the third one just disappeared. The only fix was reverting to a save from before I ever entered the dungeon at all.

      And so many more. Way more issues and game breaking bugs than cyberpunk. And yet I still hold Skyrim close to my heart. Especially as patches started coming and, more importantly, the Skyrim community patch mod. The modders are really what held up Skyrim.

      It feels weird for me to hate what cyberpunk was when I live what Skyrim is.