She has some criticisms for her past as an attorney, but I’m not sure why she’s so disliked now. What has she done to engender such distaste from the public?

  • I know things because people teach me. Just like other people know things because i teach them. I dont tell my math students to just read the damn book and figure it out themselves lol. Vast majority of people do not have the critical thinking or media literacy skills to properly research a topic let alone a plethora of them. If you dont wanna expend the energy to properly explain things thats fine, but telling people “just look it up yourself” helps no one

      • I dont learn from the books I teach from I learned from my teachers and professors. Learning math by yourself is incredibly difficult lol. Yes writing research papers isnt that hard for some people but I also worked with plenty of students in university who absolutely could not write at even a high school level. Most people dont learn critical thinking from english class because they are too immature and close-minded ("the curtains are just blue! symbolism isnt real!!!). So at the end of the day, if you want to be a condescending unhelpful tit thats your prerogative but dont expect to win anybody over or make any friends that way.