Canada’s grocery business is controlled by large players and needs government assistance to encourage new entrants to bring down prices, a report from Canada’s Competition Bureau says.

  • Basically what happened in the mobile space. I’m 2008 CRTC had an AWS spectrum auction for new entrants in the wireless industry, namely Mobilicity, Public Mobile, and WIND Mobile. Public was bought out by Telus. Mobilicity was bought by Rogers and merged with Chatr. WIND hung out longer and became Freedom under Shaw, but of course Shawgers happened, so we’re back to square one.

    • Don’t forget that these telecom companies are also media companies, owning channels like CityTV, Global, CTV, Corus. They also control the news grandma and grandpa see on the 6pm news.

    • US telecoms went through something similar with the breakup of the Bell company. Many of the resulting “Baby Bells” reassembled themselves like the T-1000 into a handful of colossal telecom companies, and most of those companies don’t compete in each other’s territories, forming regional monopolies. All kinds of illegal, of course, but the government has yet to take any further action.