I don’t like the reasons why people get banned here. Just for expressing a political view or saying that they eat meat. I may come back when there is a more welcoming instance with active users. So long.

  • Yes. Some day we will realise our utopia: a grand federation of echo-chambers and circle-jerks…

    Edit: Jokes aside… I can see the merit in the idea of an instance becoming more picky in who it hosts as a member or community (imagine: a non-vegan on a vegan instance) but maybe as mentioned elsewhere it could be done with a little more guidance like “We don’t think you and this instance are a good fit. Please migrate.”.

    Migration features would be very useful to facilitate this process.

    • Tbh I’m just tired of having different instances just for circlejerk purposes lol. Let’s just have a proper mainstream lemmy instance that welcomes opinions from all the sides without them being hateful and trolls.