She has some criticisms for her past as an attorney, but I’m not sure why she’s so disliked now. What has she done to engender such distaste from the public?

  • Sure you can argue that the DNC throws it’s weight behind certain candidates in terms of money and exposure, sure the order of the primaries influences how the later ones tend to lead. And superdelegates will always be controversial. But you can’t argue in good faith…

    This is exactly what I’m arguing. In good faith. To dismiss the impact of those concerns is just putting your head in the sand to hide from reality. Sure there are exceptions to the rule. AOC taking out Crowley for example. But as we’ve seen, that made waves, and the boys at the top, they did not like waves.

    • It’s not that I am dismissing their impact, I am dismissing that they’re wrong to do that. Primaries are not an official part of governance, they are a process of the party organization. They are not established or regulated by the constitution or federal law. As such the parties have every legal right to come out in support of a specific candidate which they think has the best chance of winning in the general election.

      They also have allowed voters to have the lion’s share of the say in who that candidate is. Before the 70s it wasn’t that way and the party simply told you who the candidate was. Now voters have an unprecedented level of control over the direction a political party takes… if they choose to utilize that control. As of right now there is literally nothing stopping voters from picking a candidate in the primary that goes against the will of the party. It is 100% feasible and possible, all people have to do is show up. So if you don’t like the DNC throwing their weight behind Biden…show up and vote for someone else.

      But when Biden gets 19 million votes and Bernie gets 9, that’s not the DNC telling you against your will who the candidate is. That’s not the result of a rigged outcome. That is the voters, the actual real people, choosing Biden. Or at least it’s the ones who would choose differently being too apathetic to do it.