There’s way too much hype over VPN Providers, but do not forget, you are routing all your traffic through their servers

As a general advice, if a VPN provider keeps logs of your activity, does not allow you to pay with crypto, and generally spends way too much on youtube ads is probably not an ideal choice.

Do not follow any advice/recommendation blindly, do your own research on which one offers the best service for your own needs.

TorrentFreak Q&A with VPN Providers

  • Eh your bank just knows you pay for a VPN.

    Some of them log your payment credentials, why would you want your VPN provider to have access to your real name and banking details? Even if you are not pirating content, its just creepy allowing them to do that to you.

    Unless you have somekind of a weird fetish that you enjoy knowing that when you browse the web you are not alone and being watched lol

    • If i don’t trust my VPN provider i don’t use it at all…

      Personally i use Proton Enterprise (yes i need it all for myself, don’t ask why) so they already know wo i am, the important part is that they don’t give my data to others and don’t store stuff that isn’t necessary. They take crypto, but thats not exactly a necessity for most people, my bank and Proton are the only parts knowing i pay for a Proton account, if my government knows, wich it only could in a serious investigation against me, well, they don’t know what im doing there, they also just know i pay for Proton, wich also provides cloud storage and Email service among others its not illegal or Problematic to have that at all. (also i kinda work for the government so they wouldn’t give a fuck anyway…)

      •  Wander   ( ) 
        21 year ago

        Even if you trust them, the VPN provider is the single most important provider you don’t want to know details about you. That is because they are the ones who will also know about your real IP address.

      • Proton is a solid choice, they have awesome plans to bundle it with their email services afaik.

        But when it comes to “trust” I also trust my grocery store service, but I like to have the ability to just pay with cash and not have them log me by name each time I enter their store and what I’m looking at while in there, its creepy and unethical and we should not support those services.