Oregon’s Senate has repealed a 72-year prohibition against self-service gas, with new legislation requiring gas stations to staff half the available pumps, while allowing the rest to be self-service. The bill, responding to industry staffing shortages, also prohibits charging more for full-service than self-service, likely leading to the phasing out of full-service pumps.

    • Because in another 5 years the staff shortage will be so bad that they can’t staff the pumps, and their Congress will then remove full service pumping from law completely. Granted, some stations (the largest nicest ones with lots of convenience store offerings) will probably keep some full-service pumps as it will always help with bringing people into the store, but a lot of the rural stations will definitely become self service only.

      • Nah, there are people that really need those jobs. The guy at my local station has a brain injury, but he kicks ass a pumping gas quickly. Dude is in great shape from constantly running from pump to pump. Some people need a simple job and that’s fine.