Oregon’s Senate has repealed a 72-year prohibition against self-service gas, with new legislation requiring gas stations to staff half the available pumps, while allowing the rest to be self-service. The bill, responding to industry staffing shortages, also prohibits charging more for full-service than self-service, likely leading to the phasing out of full-service pumps.

  • “Make work” laws are terrible policy.

    You’re forcing consumers to pay a human who is only there to inconvenience them.

    There’s a reason we don’t have laws protecting buggy-whip makers. People need to find new jobs that provide value to society.

    • I was a little shocked the first time I heard some states in the USA still have this. In my country attended petrol/diesel pumps is a 40+ years old thing. Probably about time to get rid of it?

      • It’s not good if people are loosing jobs, but the world has been like this for hundreds of years. There’s countless of occupations through the ages that are gone now. For better or worse, time moves on relentlessly.