Hello there!

After some lurking on r/Unixporn and its Discord, I’m more and more tempted to try Linux as a daily driver. While I’m by no means a pro, I’ve been using WSL at work the past year and generally I can fiddle around finding solutions when something doesn’t work.

These being said, the main requirements I would have from a distro is to be able to run League of Legends (saw that it’s pretty straight forward using Lutris) and not be insanely complex from the get-go (wouldn’t want to jump straight into something like Arch), I intend to use something like Hyprland.

So far I am split between OpenSuse Tumbleweed, NixOS, Fedora and EndeavourOS, but would gladly hear alternatives.

LE: Read (and tried to reply to) most messages. I will come back with an update once I decide my pick and see how it goes. Thanks everyone!

  • Of those I think I’d recommend Tumbleweed, it’s a great polished distribution with some extra helpful administrative tools (yast for instance). It’s rolling but feels as stable as a normal dist to me.

    The others are far from bad though! I just have a soft spot for suse and opensuse :)

    Ubuntu or pop_os could be nice starting choices as well since they’re so big and well supported.

    • Also recommend Tumbleweed. I’ve distro hopped for many years, and currently am using Tumbleweed and have no plans of leaving soon. It really is the best I’ve ever used.

      I wouldn’t recommend doing a Hyperland setup right away on first time ever using linux. Just run with KDE or Gnome for a while until you’re comfy then you can try Hyperland. The reason I say this is check this page:


      “Must Have
      This page documents software that is critical / very important to have running for a smooth Wayland / Hyprland experience.
      DEs like KDE / Gnome will do this automatically, Hyprland will not (because you might want to use something else)
      A notification daemon
      Starting method: most likely manual (exec-once)
      Many apps (e.g. Discord) may freeze without one running.”

      So you have to do a LOT more setup and configs to get Hyperland up and running. Just use KDE lol. Tumbleweed rocks with Plasma.