• I recently googled “grass” to find out more about different species and the results were all trying to sell me grass.


    Where I live it’s as common as dirt. I wonder how many people Google the word “grass” with zero qualifiers when trying to BUY grass.


    • This made me curious. A while back, I decided that I’d had enough with lousy results. I started trying different search engines, and I landed on DuckDuckGo.

      After reading your comment, I went and searched the same term, grass. At the top, it showed a short section of ‘products’ and one ad. The next result was a store, then Britannica’s article on grass. Fourth result was Wikipedia.

      I figure that a ‘products’ link and one ad, clearly labeled, is reasonable. After all, the search engine is free.

    • “But have you considered special-edition artisanal grass? Guaranteed to impress your neighbors! Practically mows itself! Thrives on zero water! [in small print: made of 100% high grade polypropylene filaments, not suitable for hot climates].” [/s]

      For that kind of research, I usually go to Wikipedia, pick a random technical term for the topic I’m looking for, and add that. It doesn’t always work, but it does eliminate some of the sales sites. But it shouldn’t be necessary, sigh.