1. Can I have a husky without joining the vampire hunters in Dawnstar? Are the husky immortal?

  2. How often dragons and vampire attacks in towns? I haven’t do the quest in Whiterun where you need to talk to the yarl about the dragon. So I’m safe from the dragon attacks and my character is not yet prepared.

  3. Can you survive skyrim without maximizing smithing, alchemy and enchantment?

  • Hmm. I have roughly 1500 hours logged in Skyrim and I don’t actually know the frequency answers.

    Vanilla Skyrim levels most of the fights you are asking about with your character level. You absolutely do not need smithing, alchemy, or enchanting. They only unlock more powerful effects. The running joke is “While you were learning smithing the drauger were training.” https://imgur.io/8M1cj3Q?r

    Ultimately, you either want to level those things slowly or not at all on your first playthrough.

    I don’t know if Huskys are immortal, but most companions only die if you finish them off. I honestly don’t even know if you can have a husky companion, though.