It looks like Google are pushing pretty hard on AdBlockers now. Looks like a pretty aggressive new UI from them.

I’m finding revanced for Android is still working well, but I’ve got no idea when that’ll become less reliable


  • I don’t mind having to watch an ad every now and then, a couple of years ago the ads were still acceptable, watch 30s, one ad, the video starts and enjoy. Now it is two or three ads and the start, which can be longer than the video itself, and you can have ads in the middle of the video. It just becomes very annoying, very quickly. Hence, I started blocking these ads more and more.

    • Yeah that’s the thing. I’m happy to watch reasonable ads but the concept of reasonable seems to continuously shift. I was happy with a single 15s ad occasionally but it’s:

      • 2x 10s ads
      • 1x 15s ad and 1x 10s ad (with a skip at 5s in)
      • 1x 15s as (with maybe a skip at 5s)

      Like the pattern and the frequency are all over the place and it feels like I’m constantly watching ads.

      I get that need to pay for traffic / usage, but I’m watching 720p / 1080p at compressed quality. How much do they truly need