The Minecraft subreddit won’t be a source for official Mojang communications going forward.

  • Its iffy, while I dislike what Reddit is doing (sort of the reason why I’m here). It is a bit questionable since now they are directing people to their tech support site for conversation I guess the only saving grace is there is a minecraft forum that isn’t official. Since its best not lose sight that there has been some controversy recently against Mojang and Minecraft about them monitoring player’s chats and other interactions and banning people from being able to use private servers. Like I can get them banning people from minecraft realms since those are the “official” servers but it is a bit much to have them possibly banning people from private servers who are the ones doing the hosting responsibilities. I am not saying this to be a “free speech abolitionist” since that is a silly path to go down in a black and white manner, I fully support and Kbin de-federating with exploding heads since the garbage they were posting were seen and affect the larger fedeverse or whatever its called but with the defederation, explodingshead still exists in its own space where they can do whatever they want but a full proper deletion of that is a bit more objectionable. So to cycle back I just see Mojang overstepping their boundaries and not respecting their players to make an informed choice, I’m all for a accessible banlist that private server can choose to enforce but its problematic for them to have to enforce it when the server hosts should have the right to do as they wish since they are spending the money for the hardware to host said server.

        • I feel like I date myself every time I tell people I want to go back to forums. It’s why I liked reddit so much, and prefer Kbin. Small threads on topics are so much easier to follow than a 3,000 message chat interaction with 200 different topics strewn together.

      • Discord is by far the worst alternative. Not only is it worse than a reddit style forum, it has the same “eventually needs to make a profit” corporation ontop of it and when it goes to shit all the information there goes with it because unlike reddit Discord can’t be archived.

        • Yep, I honestly don’t know why it’s popular outside of making voice chat parties with text / image sharing as a backup.

          As a community communication tool, it’s a big mess. Just a glorified version of IRC which is hard to follow and search. The lack of archiving just makes it that much worse.