I have a question about prevailing ideas on socialism. I am a software developer. Say I start a company and I am the sole employee and I write some code that is profitable. Then I decide to leave, I transfer the business to someone else or a group of people. The buisnesses is still running, under other workers, but I still have productive code in the pipelines. Do I get to “own” a share of this business for the rest of my life like a capitalist?

Similarly, let’s say I’m an artist who wrote a book. I write the book and want to distribute it. Do I get to own a permanent share in the distribution profit, even if my work is complete, in perpetuity?

I guess both are examples of intellectual property, which I’m usually against, but assume a libertarian socialist society not a society where markets are eliminated or welfare is plentiful, just one where capitalists no longer own the means of production.

I suppose the ethical anti capitalist solution is to sell your rights to the production workers. Or maybe to cap potential profits off a work (but that would require government intervention id assume?)

  • I don’t think libertarian socialism as as much of a compromise as libertarian capitalism tbh. You only need to eliminate market protections to achieve it, namely eliminate “private” buisnesses in favor of legally recognized coops and other b corps, eliminate protections on private property beyond a certain level (maybe fdic insurance only protects up to $10m total wealth). Etc. Tax the wealth (we already have legal taxes though conservatives call that socialist)