• Saw someone complaining about the protest in a thread where the top mod was offering up the sub to whoever wanted it. I suggested they (person complaining) go ahead and step up and ask to be a mod. They replied something like, “I don’t wanna be an E-jannie…[blah blah].”

    These people assume that there’s plenty of other people who will step-up and take over. We’ll see I guess.

      • Meanwhile, as soon as I have the finances, I’m throwing some money at the instance admins for my instance. I already know I don’t have the mental capacity (from a commitment standpoint) to properly moderate a community, and if I run a server it will be for me and people I know in real life. I’m very aware that as of right now, the only thing I’m contributing is my participation, and that actually isn’t as helpful as chipping in some money