Historically, porn has organically decided which platform or formats become dominant. It’s incredibly anti-censorship, but walks many fine lines.

As Reddit now and tomorrow reveals more weaknesses, where will the OnlyFans creators, porn posters, and all those grassroots porn communities go? The creators need to make money by showing to a large and interested user base. The users need lots of content to choose from and be fed constantly, with very few hindrances between them and their…goals. Many of the niches actually have respectful and healthy communities, too. Those people deserve an easy to use platform, just as much as people that want to look at cats, some of those groups, arguably more.

The thought of how to pose this to the Fediverse, now, has been on my mind for weeks:

Can the fediverse rise to the task? Does it even want to? Should it?

Personally, I think it should absolutely try, but I’m not sure it can do so without several deep strides in tech and development. I’m aware this is a hot af take, but it’s undeniable that the internet IS for porn, and denying that would be a huge opportunity loss for inevitably winning this popularity context.

  • im not saying blocking from responding im saying I disapear to them and they to me. they can still respond and other folks I did not block would see it and possibly my last one. I would be the one unable to respond as I would not get notified of their response and no longer see it. I guess I would not expect any previous conversations that are in their notifications to necessarily disapear as thats already in their profile. I responded to someone on the doxing thing. I just want to get rid of low hanging fruit. Ultimately I just don’t want to be in the same virtual universe as them. I know it does not sound like it from this convo but I don’t block user often but when I do I really just don’t want anything to do with that person even incidentally.

      • I respect that but for me I want to get away from these people in all ways. I go to a bar and because of a few assholes I stop going even though there are some folks I like. There is no way around it. Technology holds the promise to be able to stay at the bar. Making others invisible to me but not becoming invisible to them is in some ways sorta scary. Especially when you consider im not looking to make folks invisible only some. A good example is I like discourse but if someone response is something like “well then stop being a jerk you pussy”, well that is not the discourse I want so I block them. I don’t see thier brilliant responses to my discourses now but as you say lurkers do or whatever. That is polluting my discourse and I did not want to talk with this person anymore. I really don’t know how to convey this honestly but anyway I don’t think mine is the end all be all its just what I would want and I totally get others not wanting it. Ultimately I will take half a loaf like most things in the world but I would leave for an instance that has what I want in an instant.

        • I don’t see thier brilliant responses to my discourses now but as you say lurkers do or whatever. That is polluting my discourse and I did not want to talk with this person anymore.

          Nope. The discourse ended when you abandoned it. Whether the other person is still shitposting is something you have no control over. I guarantee that if they were enough of an asshole for you to want to block them, any lurker worth their salt’s already aware of their assholishness. And really, it’s kind of silly to concern yourself with the opinions of people who might or might not even be there.

          Stop thinking of these exchanges as debates you need to win, and think of them instead as conversations that either are or aren’t worth your time. When you block, you’re making a decision the conversation’s not worth any more of your time, so stop giving it your attention–and that includes wondering what else has been said and what others think of it.

          • yeah I generally am not looking to win. I consider some of the best discourse to be when someone changes my mind. I don’t block people though to end a converstation. I just stop replying. blocking was becuase the person just replies with insults and just generally behaves badly. So its not about a particular discourse but about just wanting to be completely seperated from anyone like that.

    • im saying I disapear to them

      This approach is incredibly open to abuse. Reddit implemented this to a lesser degree and abuse already started happening. By blocking everybody who disagrees with you, you can start threads that are only visible to lurkers and your supporters, creating a warped perception of public opinion and false consensus.

      • this sounds a bit like arguments I have had on this about it will create echo chambers. its up to lurkers to curate their own feeds and echo chambers will always be there. I want the ability to cut bs out of my stuff and others to do the same and I want freedom for creators to make what they want. Im sorry if it means bad stuff will be out there but that ship has sailed anyway. The more we get to something like this the more I think bad ideas will fall to obscurity. I really don’t see how blocking shit out is open to more abuse than shoveling the shit out. Honestly one thing I would hope with something like this is that I would need to filter less because hopefully some folks blocking me would increase the quality of my feed.

        • I want the ability to cut bs out of my stuff

          What are you talking about? Nobody’s disputing that. You seem to have lost the thread of the conversation, which is about preventing people you’ve blocked from seeing your posts. At that point you’re not cutting BS out of your stuff, but other people’s.

          • fair enough. I guess what I mean is I want the toxic individuals cut completely out of my (virtual) life. I don’t want to post for them to troll. I don’t want them part of a conversation im replying in. I don’t even necessarily see this as ever happening as it is a big ask. Im just saying what would to me be the ideal. I don’t want to listen to these folks or talk to them. I essentially want the amish shunning system but on an individually controlled basis.

              • not really. I really don’t want any interaction anymore generally so I would like them to not even see my comments. I realize its a big ask and quite likely something that will never happen but that would be the ideal for me. Not just comments but posts. They can reply to someone elses post on the same topic. I for all practical purposes would like to cease to exist for the person and vice versa. Don’t see thier posts or comments or anything.