• I moved my secondary account off there (@Quill7513@slrpnk.net, now, for transparency) because I did not feel an 8 day time gap between the community at large saying it was time to defederate from the Nazi instance to admins saying it was time to contemplate defederatonf from the Nazi instance was a short enough time frame. One of their moderator / admins seems to think that’s a very fast turnaround but I just don’t agree. If they needed to define a process first, that time was 8 days ago, when the community asked for the process to start

    •  Natori   ( @natori@beehaw.org ) 
      1 year ago

      They’re up to two weeks now. I mean it’s taking three or more days just to debate removing it and hold an - almost unanimous - vote. They’re sending a very clear message that they’re much more worried about showing due process towards violent fascists than looking out for the people those violent fascists would target. This whole delay after delay appears to be for the benefit of about twelve if their users, so it must mainly be for the admins themselves

      I also have pretty much abandoned my account there

      • I found examples of mods removing “aye” votes from legitimate users on their instance, following the rules. I’m done with that instance forever, as far as I’m concerned. If we never refederate, that’s a-okay

        •  Natori   ( @natori@beehaw.org ) 
          21 year ago

          I’m not sure that’s happening. It would seem unlikely since they already have a unanimous vote, so it accomplishes nothing to cheat that way. Instead they’re just picking their nose and watching it as long as possible.

          I for one have posted at least once in there with a non-aye statement from my local account, recommending they give a clear timeline on the vote. They deleted my post as expected, and also ignored it, which tells me a lot about their good faith.

          • Update: they’ve labeled your old account as a beehaw rabble rouser to discredit your critique of the discussion, locked the thread to prevent further discussuon, and linked a thread that does not clearly define the voting rules as a clear definition of the voting in the rules. In there they have posted the results of a script they’ve used to analyze the vote that presents the results as a close race. They have also given the timeframe for the defederation vote as 1 week. In summary, they are letting the timeframe between identifying the problem to doing anything about the problem be one month. A month in which the problem has intensified and shifted the makeup of the user base.

            •  Natori   ( @natori@beehaw.org ) 
              1 year ago

              Yeah. I closed my old community and changed my username in protest. I no longer have any doubts that they’re being run by alt right apologists. Wonder how long it will take for the instance to be overrun… It’s going to be bad for Lemmy.

              • My question is what the timeframe is for other instances to start defederation from sh.itjust.works as the identity of that server shifts. The thing I think people are still waking up to is that your instance is part of your identity in the fediverse, and that this is by design. When people see that you or I have @beehaw.org or @slrpnk.net (depending on the account I’m logged into), it tells them something about who we are and what we value. More and more, @sh.itjust.works represents “eNlIgHtEnEd CeNtRiSt”

                •  Natori   ( @natori@beehaw.org ) 
                  11 year ago

                  I’ll be very curious to see how it goes. there’s already some public awareness that it’s taken them much longer to block alt right than any other major server (from the look of the response to my last post it’s going to be about a month longer), so I don’t think they’re going to slip under the radar as much as they think.

                  From the responses, I predict that the server is just going to start holding votes for ever increasingly right wing stuff to be allowed until it’s a true haven of “free speech” in the purest enlightened centrist way. But who knows, maybe not, they might just hold a vote any time any major action is needed against the fascists so that the server gets locked in paralysis. It sucks but it will be interesting to see how it goes.

          • I was tracking the votes to see if there were any discrepancies, up voting all yes votes from legitimate users and three got removed without explanation in the modlog. I checked that they weren’t duplicates and checked the user profiles to see if they were new accounts, and one of them was an active moderator of a small community. All three were from the first hour of the vote. Like you said, I don’t understand what the play was given the near unanimous support