The purpose of this script is to allow mods to more easily implement settings.
kmoAddHeader(<modName>, <{author: 'name', version: 'versionNumber', license: 'licenseType', url: 'modUrl'}>);
- modName - required
- info object - optional
const settingHeader = kmoAddHeader(
'kbin-mod-options examples',
author: 'Ori',
version: '0.1',
license: 'MIT',
url: 'https://github.com/Oricul'
Toggle Switch
kmoAddToggle(<headerChildDiv>, <settingLabel>, <settingValue>, <settingDescription>);
- headerChildDiv - required
- settingLabel - required
- settingValue - required
- settingDescription - optional
// Create toggle switch
const settingEnabled = kmoAddToggle(
'Turns this mod on or off.'
// Listen for toggle
settingEnabled.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Log enabled state to console.
console.log( kmoGetToggle(settingEnabled) );
kmoAddDropDown(<headerChildDiv>, <settingLabel>, <[{name: 'friendlyName', value: 'backendValue'},{name: 'friendlyNameTwo', value: 'backendValueTwo'}]>, <currentSetting>, <settingDescription>);
- headerChildDiv - required
- settingLabel - required
- options array - required
- name/value in options array - required
- currentSetting - required
- settingDescription - optional
// Create drop down
const font = kmoAddDropDown(
name: 'Arial',
value: 'font-arial'
name: 'Consolas',
value: 'font-consolas'
'Choose a font for kbin.'
// Listen for drop down change
font.addEventListener("change", () => {
// Log drop down selection to console.
console.log( kmoGetDropDown(font) );
kmoAddButton(<headerChildDiv>, <settingLabel>, <buttonLabel>, <settingDescription>);
- headerChildDiv - required
- settingLabel - required
- buttonLabel - required
- settingDescription - optional
// Create button const
const resetButton = kmoAddButton(
'Default Settings',
'Resets settings to defaults.'
// Listen for button press.
resetButton.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Log press to console.
console.log( 'button pressed!' );
Color Dropper
kmoAddColorDropper(<headerChildDiv>, <settingLabel>, <currentColor>, <settingDescription>);
- headerChildDiv - required
- settingLabel - required
- currentColor - required
- settingDescription - optional
// Create color dropper const
const primaryColor = kmoAddColorDropper(
'Primary Color',
'Select primary theme color'
// Listen for new color change
primaryColor.addEventListener("change", () => {
// Log color selection out to console.
console.log( primaryColor.value );
Simply add kbin-mod-options to your script’s requires.
// @require https://github.com/Oricul/kbin-scripts/raw/main/kbin-mod-options.js
// ==UserScript==
// @name kbin-mod-options-dev
// @namespace https://github.com/Oricul
// @version 0.1
// @description Attempt at standardizing mod options.
// @author 0rito
// @license MIT
// @match https://kbin.social/*
// @match https://kbin.sh/*
// @icon https://kbin.social/favicon.svg
// @grant none
// @require file://H:/GoogleDrive/Personal/Documents/GitHub/kbin-scripts/kbin-mod-options.js
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
'use strict';
// Section header - kmoAddHeader(<modName>, {author: 'name', version: 'versionNumber', license: 'licenseType', url: 'modUrl'});
// modName - required, author - optional, version - optional, license - optional, url - optional
const settingHeader = kmoAddHeader(
'kbin-mod-options examples',
author: 'Ori',
version: '0.1',
license: 'MIT',
url: 'https://github.com/Oricul'
// Toggle switch - kmoAddToggle(<settingLabel>, <settingValue>, <settingDescription>);
// settingLabel - required, settingValue - required, settingDescription - optional
const settingOne = kmoAddToggle(
'Turn this mod on or off.'
// Listener for toggle switch - kmoGetToggle(<toggleSwitchVar>);
// toggleSwitchVar - required
settingOne.addEventListener("click", () => {
// Dropdown Menu - kmoAddDropDown(<settingLabel>, [{name: 'name', value: 'value'},{name: 'name2', value: 'value2'}], <currentSetting>, <settingDescription>);
// settingLabel - required, name & value - required, currentSetting - required, settingDescription - optional
const settingTwo = kmoAddDropDown(
name: 'Arial',
value: 'font-arial'
name: 'Consolas',
value: 'font-consolas'
'Choose a site-wide font.');
// Listener for dropdown menu - kmoGetDropDown(<dropDownVar>);
// dropDownVar - required
settingTwo.addEventListener("change", () => {
// Button - kmoAddButton(<settingLabel>, <buttonLabel>, <settingDescription>);
// settingLabel - required, buttonLabel - required, settingDescription - optional
const settingThree = kmoAddButton(
'Default Settings',
'Resets settings to defaults.'
// Listener example for buttons.
settingThree.addEventListener("click", () => {
console.log('button pressed');
// Color Dropper - kmoAddColorDropper(<settingLabel>, <currentColor>, <settingDescription>);
// settingLabel - required, currentColor - required, settingDescription - optional
const settingFour = kmoAddColorDropper(
'Primary Color',
'Select primary color for style.'
// Listener example for color dropper.
settingFour.addEventListener("change", () => {
And you’re absolutely right! For some reason that I can’t remember now, that wasn’t included at release, but it should definitely wait for everything to load before mutating the settings. I’ve thrown together a fix that should make it actually wait for the document to load and an additional 100ms before running.
I’ll probably have a release out later this evening.
Edit: I’ve also added a Compatibility Mode option to make KUP play nicer with other scripts that customise the settings panel. It will simply append the new settings to the end of the panel. I’ve attached an image of how it looks like.
Edit: I’ve released KUP 0.2.2 with the aforementioned fixes. https://kbin.social/m/kbinStyles/t/105421/Kbin-Usability-Pack-0-2-2-Now-with-settings. I’ve also made sure to add any enabled KUP setting as a class to the body of the document (e.g. “KUP-setting-settingsCompatibilityMode”) as well as “KUP-injected” when KUP is installed. I’ve also added the object document.KUP that additionally serves as a carrier of future KUP endpoints (or to just check if KUP is installed).
Just took a look. With the previous version of kmo, it does in fact work when compatibility mode is enabled. I think that’s probably the best solution to hope for without slowing down your own enhancements to the point of being a visual hindrance. Thanks for taking a look.
I just need to up my visual appearance game now. Your dropdown appearance and effect is much more visually appealing and while my implementation is meant to make mod options more accessible for would-be devs, it would be ideal to make it visually appealing as well.