I am still working full-time remote. There are definitely some social aspects of going to the office I miss, but I really don’t miss the commute or the shitty office politics. Overall I feel I am still more productive from home and happier overall.

    • Ditto, here. The building we were in wasn’t exactly great to begin with. Them having an excuse to leave sealed the deal.

      I will say from all that I’ve talked on WFH vs having to go back. Those that went back mostly have micromanagers. My job is mostly leave us alone and keep things running smoothly is all we ask and the other friend of mine who is still WFH is pretty much the same. But the three others that had to come back to the office, their bosses are folks that must have their finger in literally everything.

      I know I’m just a few data points and largely not a trend thing, but if you strictly ask me, it feels that the folks telling their employees to come back are the kind that aren’t exactly the greatest managers to be around in the first place.