(link is to the Supreme Court’s opinion document)

  • “It’s hard to predict if Bernie would have beaten Trump. The GOP likely has a binder full of opposition research ready to go if Bernie had become nominee, with enough “scandals” and “socialist scare quotes” to mobilize their base even more. Meanwhile, Sanders didn’t even get more votes in the primary”

    Even if Bernie had gotten “more” votes in the primary, the DNC would have never made him their candidate.

    Bernie was/is an independent in the senate so he had no incentive to play ball with the DNC or the well known “bending the knee”.

    I am not from the US but I followed the 2015/16 primary with great interest because of Bernie Sanders and was hoping that the US was making the right call in electing him but the deck was and is stacked against him.

    The playbook about Bernie sanders has been tried by Hilary Clinton. Bernie even said during a debate if people could stop talking about the emails because it was irrelevant. His problem was that he was to nice and issue focused in his approach but it actually is also the charm of an authentic figure like Bernie Sanders.

    What Bernie has and Hilary hadn’t was consistency in his political career, and “fresh” ideas that resonated with the people.

    The fact that he also was the only one who ran without a Super Pac also made sure that he could give the appearance of not being bought by the companies.

    Bernie has been on the right side of history more than once and the receipts are for everyone to see.

    He would have mopped the floor with trump if it came to the elections.

    For the DNC/Democrats itself it doesn’t matter who has the majority. There is a status quo and the threat is someone rocking the boat.

    To this day I wish my country actually had a Bernie Sanders who could run for the MP title.

    This is one of my favorite clips about Bernie Sanders that say it all; https://youtu.be/5M2SQzA363A