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So today I clicked a twitter link because companies like to use it for official announcements, only to be greeted with a login page. Was annoyed then I remembered nitter exists. It just prompted me to install Privacy Redirect which I should have done ages ago.


Chrome Web Store:

Firefox Browser Add-ons:

Looks like twitter waited for the reddit API changes to do push this change to try to do it under the radar.

  • This is sort of the final stage of endless growth capitalism. Once you have reached the max saturation of your potential user base with an attractive product, you sell that product for a huge payout and the next CEO comes in with a mandate to squeeze the orange for all its juice.

    Inevitably this leaves the market ripe for the next disruptor to come in with a more enticing offer and the cycle repeats. With market consolidation however this is becoming harder and harder to do with every second comapny owned by Disney or Microsoft or Haliburton etc.