• That amount of time would basically give the common people enough time to go about fixing the political system.

    Common people get fixated by the idea of someone else fixing their problems. It’s why America had Trump for President for 4 years. He was going to “fix” America’s problems.

    You cannot defeat ape behavior. We are apes. We created civilization as a system to manage resources for large numbers of people that our hunter gatherer societies could not. Civilization by its nature creates a system of elites, because you need people at the top to manage resources.

    If we want true equality and still stay true to our ape programming, we would be better served by a return to small interconnected communes.

    • Well I disagree with you vehemently, about 90% of the problems we’re facing is that almost every single problem we’re trying to address were sabotaged by the rich. Wall Street protest, Mass Media making dishonest and hostile takes to disrupt any attempt we make to have a dialogue on addressing the problem at hand, and so many more. We can cooperate and come up with a better future, it is something that we have to make an effort to.

      • Well I disagree with you vehemently, about 90% of the problems we’re facing is that almost every single problem we’re trying to address were sabotaged by the rich.

        Why did they become rich in the first place and why do they not want to give up what they have?

        Ape behavior. People in general loathe to give up resources and power once they have it.

        We can cooperate and come up with a better future, it is something that we have to make an effort to.

        Sure. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. Climate change is going to make mincement out of most of us before we even begin to scarcely acknowledge the problem.