• I love how well this little aircraft has worked out. The official mission for it was to validate an idea - to conduct five flights to demonstrate that it was possible, so that future missions could potentially include a little scout drone that could fly ahead and help find routes through difficult terrain. Then it worked so well that they started doing that on this mission, too - they’re past fifty flights now and have been using photos from Ingenuity to plan Perseverance’s next moves. The team who built this little drone must be thrilled.

    • It really is amazing. Especially considering how thin the air is there and how fast the rotors have to spin to compensate. Along with how much dust there is, that has t caused any mechanical issues etc.

      Add to that, they basically have to write a flight path program and let er rip and hope it returns correctly. How they even orient position and direction with a minimum 15 minute lag is crazy to me.

      Some of these things are a challenge to me, with direct and immediate control of my drone (albeit there are more obstacles). But just not landing on a rock or kicking up a bunch of prop wash that harms the propellers is crazy.