I’m not surprised of their reaction to the new law C-18, but I’m pretty worried of its impact on the information reaching citizens and democracy.

  • Not so fast. This law is asinine. The gist is everyone would have to pay the Canadian news sites for a link to their websites. Like the owner of this instance would need to pay cbc.ca for the link in this post. This isn’t going to work.

    • This has happened before. Several countries in Europe introduced similar laws, which played out like this:

      • News sites cried foul for letting Google “profit” from “their work”
      • <Country> passed law to force Google (and everyone else) to pay
      • Google de-listed all news sites from <country>
      • News sites suddenly realized that most of their visits were coming from Google and other news aggregators, so cried foul because their ad revenue would plummet
      • Law in <country> got reversed
      • Google re-listed news sites from <country>

      At this point it’s kind of “charming” that news sites in ANY country would not learn from other countries’ examples. Google has it down to a standard procedure at this point.