Anyone else have a book (or books) that they want to read but just never seem to actually get around to reading? Any books you feel like you ought to read but never do?
Probably unpopular, but for me it’s classic Russian literature- War and Peace, Crime and Punishment and the like. I know they’re supposed to be amazing, but I just can’t work up the energy to read them. I think Anna Karenina soured me on Russian literature; the middle portion of that book with Levin on the farm was such a drag that I’m hesitant about the other books.
What about you?
I was struggling trying to get into dostoevsky, trying to read brothers Karamazov and was just not feeling it. Switched to crime and punishment and found it way more interesting for me. I think maybe the heavy theology from brothers was just not as interesting. Maybe I’m crazy but I did crime and punishment on audio book instead of reading and found that more engaging too.
Crime and Punishment is great. I also love Notes From Underground, it’s essentially a treatise on being miserable.