• I don’t think China should be more cautious just because the US is being melodramatic. The article tries to end with a conciliatory conclusion, but China shouldn’t voluntarily concede ground to appease an irrational response.

    Too many other countries and domestic politicals have made that mistake. The US will not be appeased. If you give ground they will strengthen their position against you while demanding further appeasements.

    • You are correct! The way they advise China to back off while the US is on edge is purely to seed the idea that it should be normal to yield to whatever the US wants to happen. Also seeds the idea that if the US does become hostile, that the Chinese should’ve known it would happen. It is like telling women that they shouldn’t have dressed a certain way if they didn’t want to be assaulted. It is like taking the side of a domestic abuser. The US has been told “yes” too many times and freaks out like a spoiled child that can’t handle any “noes” that come their way.

      The balloon got brought up mostly jokingly at work the other day. And even folks that respectfully converse with me about politics but tend to disagree with me were calling it an overreaction. I said that if they did shoot it down, that I would love to see it be a big troll by China. Just normal sensors and a note that has a pic of Xi with something to the effect of “lol gotcha losers”. Or maybe letters from an elementary school class seeing if anyone would write back to let them know how far it got or something. lol