Im considering spending some serious time learning one of the above. Two principle engineers I work with exclusively use them, and watching them work is incredible, the speed they move and get things done is pure wizadry. Can anyone learn this skill? For what it’s worth, the alternative is learning VScode. I’ve exclusive used Android Studio in my career.

  • Engineer here who has had to work on many machines that were off-network, without a monitor or with a crappy one, with no ability to install random software:

    There’s a very good chance that vim is installed. Getting good at it certainly helped my productivity working in those environments

    • I agree with you, knowing vim for keyboard navigation is very benifitial in the majority of time when working with computers. To that point, most IDEs have vim keybindings/mode so you can edit inside the IDE using vim keymaps.To OPs question, replicating IDE functionality using vim plugins is a huge timesink.