• Sweden is definitively a part of the problem. Everyone needs to make changes. On an individual level, as a community, state, and internationally. And, like everyone else, Sweden too can do more than one thing at a time. There is nothing stopping Sweden from both 1) do everything in their power to clean up their own act and go all in on renewables, while they also 2) act forcefully on the international scene to get other states to do the same thing.

    Besides, while the carbon emissions per capita in Sweden isn’t the worst of the bunch, we’re not the best either. We’re still a net-producer of carbon emissions. That must stop.

    In addition Sweden and Swedes are ideal placed to improve on this area. We have very good living standards, are well educated and have a high tech industry, are resource rich as a country and have a high GDP. We can make huge changes without hurting our quality of life. I’d rather see that we sacrifice more of our comfortable life, if that means that less fortunate people around the world can leave poverty, poor health and bad living conditions behind.