Think robots, AIs, hell even nanites or even a spaceship! Do you guys have any sci fi recommendations in this vein?

  •  Admiral Patrick   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    It’s not the core concept of the books, but there’s a lot of those elements in the Revelation Space series by Alastair Reynolds. Not sure how much I can say without spoiling, but a human merges with a giant spaceship, it’s normal for humans in their society to get nanotech implants, and they can and do create different types of clones of themselves using AI.

    There’s at least 5 major books in that series with several more short stories set in that universe.

    If you just want to read the major works, I recommend this order:

    1. Chasm City
    2. Revelation Space
    3. Redemption Ark
    4. Absolution Gap
    5. Inhibitor Phase (I actually haven’t read this one yet as it only came out in 2021 and I just got it)

    For the short stories, a lot of the best ones are in Galactic North, and Nightingale is probably right up your alley.