Hey all,

Moderation philosophy posts started out as an exercise by myself to put down some of my thoughts on running communities that I’d learned over the years. As they continued I started to more heavily involve the other admins in the writing and brainstorming. This most recent post involved a lot of moderator voices as well, which is super exciting! This is a community, and we want the voices at all levels to represent the community and how it’s run.

This is probably the first of several posts on moderation philosophy, how we make decisions, and an exercise to bring additional transparency to how we operate.

  • Are users ever given a gentle nudge to “be(e) a little bit nicer next time”?

    Yeah this is absolutely something we try to do, although there are some situations where it is easier than others. In a big, busy !politics thread sometimes things might get noisy enough that we just have to prune whole threads, though thankfully that’s been pretty rare so far. But when we’re able to and when we think that a user is acting in good faith, we do try to engage with them and give them a chance to correct the way that they’re interacting with folks.