I figure this is a good way to get the conversation going.
We currently have one community tank with a dwarf gourami, corydoras, neon tetras, a small colony of cherry shrimp, an assassin snail, and a plague of ramshorn snails that hitched a ride on some water lettuce we bought a few years ago.
I just set up a tank with a pair of cichlid apistos, a pleco, and some danios (who I’ll be trading out for killifish).
Danios and plants helped accelerate the cycling a bit and after that was all done finally added said Apistogrammas last week. Love seeing the colors come back as they get comfy.
I’m also trying out a pair of peacock gudgeons in the saw tank. For now they seem happy coexisting as there are many plants and such to hide and claim as theirs
I e been very careful, washing every plant thoroughly and still find a snail or two. Yesterday in my snail and dead plant matter checks I found too pink ramshorn snails, so I think I’ll let them hang around and help me clean :)