Hi fellow bees! Soon Ill start working on a project with my group at uni. It will be long and hard journey and I will have to relearn python, as I havent used it much. But I am looking forward to it. The project itself is about signal analysis form EEG scanner to try and decode information hidden in and use it as a mean of prostethics control. I hope so much that we will get something usefull done with it! :3

  • It’s an adjustment, but you’ll get used to it.

    I think the most confusing thing in Python is how assignment works (and how function parameters work, because Python is basically “pass by assignment”).

    Immutable types (usually trivial types such as bool, int, float, str, tuple, etc.) create copies when they’re assigned (and are pass-by-value).

    Mutable types (dict, list, set, functions, classes, instances of classes) are assigned by reference (and are pass-by-reference).

    It’s very easy to trip yourself up by passing a dictionary into a function, modifying it in the function, and not realizing those those modifications will live forever. If this happens to you, start experimenting with the is operator.