I don’t have much of a problem either way as I don’t think I’ll be engaging in political discussion on this website past this post but it seems like any sort of non-left wing opinions or posts are immediately trashed on here. That’s fine. There’s clearly a more liberal audience here and that’s okay. I just don’t want Lemmy to become a echo chamber for any side and it seems to be that way when it comes to politics already.

Mostly making this post just to drum up discussion as I’m new here.

Edit: Thanks for the rational replies. I was expecting to get lit up for even mentioning this topic lol.

  • I’m not a conservative by any stretch of the imagination but I definitely wouldn’t put people like Rory Stewart in the category of ‘fascists who care little for evidence or logic’, a Tory who got kicked out of their party for standing up to the populists is at least worth the time of day in my opinion.